Type 2 diabetes, strict (exclude DM1)


type II diabetes mellitus: A type of diabetes mellitus that is characterized by insulin resistance or desensitization and increased blood glucose levels. This is a chronic disease that can develop gradually over the life of a patient and can be linked to both environmental factors and heredity.

Endpoint definition

FinnGen phenotype data

321302 individuals

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Apply sex-specific rule None


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Check conditions

not E4_DM1


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Filter registries

Medicine purchases: ATC A10B


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Check pre-conditions, main-only, mode, ICD version None


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Check minimum number of events

Min. number of events 3


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Extra metadata

Level in the ICD hierarchy C
First used in FinnGen datafreeze DF2

Summary Statistics

Key figures

All Female Male
Number of individuals
44266 19883 24383
Unadjusted prevalence (%)
14.35 11.46 18.06
Mean age at first event (years)
60.21 59.18 61.06


Follow-up Absolute risk HR [95% CI] p N
1998–2019 0.03 2.30 [2.07, 2.55] 4.1e-56 6843
15 years 0.01 1.56 [1.42, 1.71] 5.1e-21 3476
5 years 0.00 2.52 [2.31, 2.74] 1.8e-99 1791
1 year 0.00 4.59 [4.03, 5.22] <1e-100 628

Age distribution of first events

Year distribution of first events

Cumulative Incidence


Index endpoint: E4_DM2_STRICT – Type 2 diabetes, strict (exclude DM1)
GWS hits: 107

Survival analyses between endpoints


before Type 2 diabetes, strict (exclude DM1)
after Type 2 diabetes, strict (exclude DM1)

loading spinner Loading survival analyses plot

Drugs most likely to be purchased after Type 2 diabetes, strict (exclude DM1)