Endpoint definition ↥ FinnGen phenotype data 321302 individuals Apply sex-specific rule None 321302 Check conditions None 321302 Filter registries Hospital Discharge: ICD-10 R21 Cause of death: ICD-10 R21 2357 Check pre-conditions, main-only, mode, ICD version Look only at ICD versions H.D: 10 ; C.O.D: 10 2357 Check minimum number of events None 2357 Include endpoints None 2357 R18_RASH_OTHER_NONSPECIFIC_SKIN_ERUPT Extra metadata Level in the ICD hierarchy 3 First used in FinnGen datafreeze DF4 Parent code in ICD-10 R2[0-3] Name in latin Exanthema et aliae eruptiones cutis non specificae
FinnGen phenotype data 321302 individuals Apply sex-specific rule None 321302 Check conditions None 321302 Filter registries Hospital Discharge: ICD-10 R21 Cause of death: ICD-10 R21 2357 Check pre-conditions, main-only, mode, ICD version Look only at ICD versions H.D: 10 ; C.O.D: 10 2357 Check minimum number of events None 2357 Include endpoints None 2357 R18_RASH_OTHER_NONSPECIFIC_SKIN_ERUPT Extra metadata Level in the ICD hierarchy 3 First used in FinnGen datafreeze DF4 Parent code in ICD-10 R2[0-3] Name in latin Exanthema et aliae eruptiones cutis non specificae
Similar endpoints ↥ List of similar endpoints to Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption based on the number of shared cases. Broader endpoints: Symptoms and signs involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified Any event in hilmo or specialist outpatient Any ICDMAIN event in hilmo or causes of death Narrower endpoints: None Show all endpoint correlations
List of similar endpoints to Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption based on the number of shared cases. Broader endpoints: Symptoms and signs involving the skin and subcutaneous tissue Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified Any event in hilmo or specialist outpatient Any ICDMAIN event in hilmo or causes of death Narrower endpoints: None Show all endpoint correlations
Summary Statistics ↥ Key figures All Female Male ? X Number of individuals Using example data: ID phenocode age FG1 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 45 FG1 ENDPOINT_XYZ 46 FG1 DEATH 47 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30.1 FG3 ENDPOINT_XYZ 50 In this example the number of individuals is 2, since only 2 unique individuals (FG1 and FG2) have EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT events. Number of individuals 2285 1494 791 ? X Unadjusted prevalence Using example data: ID phenocode age FG1 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 45 FG1 ENDPOINT_XYZ 46 FG1 DEATH 47 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30.1 FG3 ENDPOINT_XYZ 50 In this example the unadjusted prevalence is 66 %. The unadjusted prevalence is the number of individuals having an endpoint divided by the total number of individuals. Here: 2 unique individuals (FG1 and FG2) have EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT events 1 individual (FG3) has no EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT event So the unadjusted prevalence is 2 / 3 = 66 %. Unadjusted prevalence (%) 0.74 0.86 0.59 ? X Mean age at first event Using example data: ID phenocode age FG1 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 45 FG1 ENDPOINT_XYZ 46 FG1 DEATH 47 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30.1 FG3 ENDPOINT_XYZ 50 In this example the mean age at first event is 37.5. The mean age at first event for EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT is computed by: selecting individuals having EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT: FG1 and FG2 for these individuals, taking the age of their first event of EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT: 45 for FG1 and 30 for FG2 computing the mean of these values So the mean age at first event is Mean(45, 30) = 37.5. Mean age at first event (years) 51.88 49.45 56.46 ? X Follow-up Amount of time to look for the endpoint since entering the study. This is either either 1, 5, 15 years or the full study time from 1998 to 2019. Absolute risk Estimates the probability of dying from the current endpoint. Check the Documentation page for Mortality: absolute risk to get more details. Hazard Ratio (HR) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) Measures how much the risk of dying increases (HR > 1) or decreases (HR < 1). Number of individuals (N) Number of individuals having the current endpoint and died during the follow-up time. Mortality Follow-up Absolute risk HR [95% CI] p N 1998–2019 0.03 2.20 [1.34, 3.60] 1.8e-3 215 15 years 0.01 1.13 [0.71, 1.81] 6.0e-1 93 5 years 0.00 2.34 [1.58, 3.47] 2.2e-5 69 1 year 0.00 6.02 [3.87, 9.35] 1.4e-15 35 Age distribution of first events Year distribution of first events Cumulative Incidence
Key figures All Female Male ? X Number of individuals Using example data: ID phenocode age FG1 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 45 FG1 ENDPOINT_XYZ 46 FG1 DEATH 47 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30.1 FG3 ENDPOINT_XYZ 50 In this example the number of individuals is 2, since only 2 unique individuals (FG1 and FG2) have EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT events. Number of individuals 2285 1494 791 ? X Unadjusted prevalence Using example data: ID phenocode age FG1 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 45 FG1 ENDPOINT_XYZ 46 FG1 DEATH 47 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30.1 FG3 ENDPOINT_XYZ 50 In this example the unadjusted prevalence is 66 %. The unadjusted prevalence is the number of individuals having an endpoint divided by the total number of individuals. Here: 2 unique individuals (FG1 and FG2) have EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT events 1 individual (FG3) has no EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT event So the unadjusted prevalence is 2 / 3 = 66 %. Unadjusted prevalence (%) 0.74 0.86 0.59 ? X Mean age at first event Using example data: ID phenocode age FG1 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 45 FG1 ENDPOINT_XYZ 46 FG1 DEATH 47 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30 FG2 EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT 30.1 FG3 ENDPOINT_XYZ 50 In this example the mean age at first event is 37.5. The mean age at first event for EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT is computed by: selecting individuals having EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT: FG1 and FG2 for these individuals, taking the age of their first event of EXAMPLE_ENDPOINT: 45 for FG1 and 30 for FG2 computing the mean of these values So the mean age at first event is Mean(45, 30) = 37.5. Mean age at first event (years) 51.88 49.45 56.46
? X Follow-up Amount of time to look for the endpoint since entering the study. This is either either 1, 5, 15 years or the full study time from 1998 to 2019. Absolute risk Estimates the probability of dying from the current endpoint. Check the Documentation page for Mortality: absolute risk to get more details. Hazard Ratio (HR) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) Measures how much the risk of dying increases (HR > 1) or decreases (HR < 1). Number of individuals (N) Number of individuals having the current endpoint and died during the follow-up time. Mortality Follow-up Absolute risk HR [95% CI] p N 1998–2019 0.03 2.20 [1.34, 3.60] 1.8e-3 215 15 years 0.01 1.13 [0.71, 1.81] 6.0e-1 93 5 years 0.00 2.34 [1.58, 3.47] 2.2e-5 69 1 year 0.00 6.02 [3.87, 9.35] 1.4e-15 35
Follow-up Amount of time to look for the endpoint since entering the study. This is either either 1, 5, 15 years or the full study time from 1998 to 2019.
Absolute risk Estimates the probability of dying from the current endpoint. Check the Documentation page for Mortality: absolute risk to get more details.
Hazard Ratio (HR) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) Measures how much the risk of dying increases (HR > 1) or decreases (HR < 1).
Number of individuals (N) Number of individuals having the current endpoint and died during the follow-up time.
Correlations ↥ Index endpoint: R18_RASH_OTHER_NONSPECIFIC_SKIN_ERUPT – Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption GWS hits: 0
Survival analyses between endpoints ↥ Plot before Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption after Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption Loading survival analyses plot Table Loading survival analyses table Download CSV
Plot before Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption after Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption Loading survival analyses plot